In 2023, over 5 Million Californian’s live below the poverty line.  They are just one step away from losing their home and being forced to live on the street.

At One Step Away, we provide immediate, emergency financial assistance due to unforseen crisis or emergency to keep people in their homes.

Stopping Homelessness Before It Starts

When you live paycheck to paycheck, small, unexpected expenses can be life changing.  

A flat tire can stop you from working, causing you lost income and possibly even your job.

A sick child needing to stay home from school can cause parents to lose a days wages.  

Unexpected medical bills can create tremendous stress on hard working families.

These common items can cause missed rent payments, leading to the loss of a home and ending up on the streets.

California accounts for nearly one-third of the entire homeless population in the United States, over 171,000 people

Preventing Homelessness Is The Key

In 2023, The University of California, San Francisco conducted a large scale study of the California Homeless population.  Of their many findings, their research has proven that prevention is the fastest and most cost effecient way to prevent homelessness.

In the 6-months prior to being on the streets…

The median monthly income was $960 for non-leaseholders, $1400 for leaseholders

49% did not have their name on a lease or mortgage

Those with leases had a median of 10 days notice before losing their housing.

Those without their name on the lease had a median of one days notice

Of Those Currently Unhoused


Believe a monthly rental subsidy of $300-$500 would have prevented their homelessness


Of people experiencing homelessness right now believe a subsidy of $300-$500 would help them re-enter housing


Think a Housing Choice Voucher (or similar rental subsidy) would help them re-enter housing

We at One Step Away...

Are dedicated to stopping the spread of homelessness by doing everything we can to keep people housed.

Prevention is how we will end this cycle of homelessness.

Join us in our mission by donating, volunteering, or referring us.

With Gratitude,


Stuart and Deb
Co-Founders, One Step Away